Release notes

Release notes

When interface changes are approved, they will be listed here with an approximate date of availability. Once these changes are live, they will have a Release date. 

Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


03/05/20EASWorkloadRemovedThe Workload section of the EAS has been removed for now. Without a method to identify unit- and function-specific EFT components, these data proved more confusing than useful. We will continue to explore how to provide these data in the future.EAS 1.7.3
02/25/20Professional activitiesGraduate/Professional student advisingReplaced activity typeThis new activity type has replaced Graduate/Professional student advisory committee. We have also expanded the coverage so that both current and past advisory committee relationships are displayed. These data are fed from an authoritative source (Banner). This replacement also applies to the EAS.EAS 1.7.2
01/24/19EASGraduate/professional student advisory committeesNew activity typeThe new activity type, Graduate/professional student advisory committees, now appears on the EAS.EAS 1.6.1
12/21/18Professional activitiesGraduate/professional student advisory committeesNew activity typeNew activity type for graduate/professional student advisory committee; pre-populated with advisee name, degree level, major/co-major professor(s), committee relationships, and matriculation/graduation date(s); linked users may enter Project title, Project description, and/or External advisory committee member(s) information.N/A
11/21/18PublicationsReportNew choice valueAdded "Budget" and "Fact Sheet" as new selections for Report typeN/A
Module Access 

Added Staff Access to the Publication Module

Note, UGA Elements notifies users via email about pending publications.  For information about claiming publications, please see the support site here: Populate Elements with Publications (step 1 and 2 apply for staff users).

8/18/18User Profile
New Profile FieldsIn Elements v5.11, the Overview narrative field has now been separated into three distinct narratives: Overview (meant to be biographical), Research interests, and Teaching summaryv5.11
7/25/18Professional activitiesGraduate AssistantshipNew activity typeNew activity for graduate/professional students; pre-populated with HR-based assistantships; students enter Course, Instructor, Description of duties (for TA) or Project, PI/Co-I (for RA)N/A
5/30/18 Professional activitiesDistinctions/AwardsNew choice valueAdded "Fellowship" as a new selection for Distinction typeN/A
5/30/18Professional activitiesEvent judgingNew choice valueAdded "Science fair" as a new selection for Event typeN/A
5/30/18Professional activitiesMembership: CommitteeNew choice value and fieldAdded "Other" as a new selection for Role; added new text field 'Description of "Other" Role'N/A
3/22/18New users added to Elements
Expanded User BasePostdocs and graduate students are now in UGA Elements. You can add them to activities using the name look-up fields.  N/A
3/22/18New Version of the Unit Faculty Research Summary v2.0
Upgraded reportA new version of the Unit Faculty Research Summary v2.0 (UFRS) is available for unit heads. 

The UFRS is a unit-level report that includes the number of Journal articles, Books, Chapters, Proceedings of Conferences, Professional/Scholarly Presentations, Active Sponsored Projects, the Share² of Active Awards (Prorated³ $) and the Share² of New Awards (Prorated³ $). 


  1. Dollar amounts are based only on award increments already received
  2. "Share" is award amount x % of intellectual credit
  3. "Prorated" is the portion of award amount within the report range.
2/28/18Interface/ EASSponsored ProjectsGrants Feed changesWe are now feeding user-grant relationships with 0% intellectual credit. This is visible in the SPA grants data and in the EAS report. EAS 1.5.2
1/22/18EASOther FundingEASThe Other funding grants type is now sorted by status on the EAS report.EAS 1.5.2


New fieldsNew EAS v1.5.1 update is live and includes the new field for Internet publications and Software/Code. See below. EAS v1.5.1
12/21/17PublicationsInternet publicationsNew fieldAdded "Number of page views per year" Boolean fieldElements v5.8
12/21/17PublicationsSoftware/CodeNew fieldAdded "Number of downloads per year" Boolean fieldElements v5.8
11/20/17Interface Upgrade

New features and improvements:

  • Author first names can now be entered via the user interface when adding a manual record. Full names entered in the UI are also available in the API.

  • On the Create Links page users can now access more than 25 results using navigation adjacent to the results count.

  • If a user had more than one link to a publication (editor and author), this could appear as duplicate entries on the Elements Profile page. This has been resolved.
  • The Advanced Search page (Explore>System Search) is now restricting the results correctly when a user is added as search criteria.

  • Capitalized first names provided by Crossref are now treated correctly as first name(s) and are no longer split out into initials.

  • GRID (Global Research Institution Database) data included in Elements has been updated to the twenty fourth release which was made available on 8 October 2017.

  • SJR values have been updated to the latest versions published on 21 June 2017.

  • The Logins Report (available at Basic Report>Users & Usage reports) now contains an additional true/false field indicating whether a user has logged into their account. The value is only set to true when the user logs in and remains false if an administrator impersonates the user on their behalf.
Elements v5.8
11/15/17Elements web portal and Help Section
  • Added new links and button for “Searching for Collaborators” to system Help section and the homepage of elements.uga.edu
Elements v5.5
9/21/17CV & ReportsGrants ReportsNew Reports

Added current, pending other support forms for NSF, NIH and USDA

See support page here: How do I export a report on current and pending (other) support for my federal agency proposal?

Elements v5.5
9/18/17Professional activitiesEducational/Outreach presentations (CAES only)New fieldAdded Boolean field called "Reported to GaCounts?" for CAESElements v5.5
8/5/17User GroupsUser ProfilePostdoc Profiles

All UGA postdocs will have profiles August 7, 2017. Postdocs will appear with faculty in the unit lists in the interface, but will be filtered from group reports (e.g., UFRS, EUR)

Elements v5.5
8/5/17TeachingCourses taughtTitles of courseThe current abbreviated courses titles will be changed to long names. Ex. Rsch Math Edu will now appear as: "Research Seminar in Mathematics Education" in the interface and in the EAS report. This change is already in place for new teaching records. Past teaching records will be re-fed into Elements over the next few months.Elements v5.5
8/5/17Professional activitiesProficiency/SkillNew activity typeNew type for postdocs/graduate studentsElements v5.5
8/5/17GrantsAll grants typesNew fieldNew Sponsor Award ID fieldElements v5.5
8/5/17Teaching activitiesCourses taughtRenamed fieldThe manual field named, "Additional course characteristics" is now called "Major course revisions"Elements v5.5
8/5/17Teaching activitiesProgram developedNew fieldNew Co-developer fieldElements v5.5
8/5/17Teaching activitiesGuest lecturesChange in name/new fields/renamed fieldsThe activity type "Guest lectures" name was changed to "Guest teaching" with these new fields: Type of involvement= (Guest critic, Curator, Lecturer, Observer, Panelist, Reviewer, Speaker and Workshop leader), Summary of involvement text field and a Co-participants field.Elements v5.5
8/5/17Professional activitiesLibrary/Archive/Museum servicesNew activity typeNew activity designed for Libraries/Museum faculty Elements v5.5
8/5/17PublicationsRecognition/Reproduction of my workNew activity typeNew type designed to record when someone recognizes or reproduces a work. This was designed primarily for creative arts faculty.Elements v5.5
8/5/17PublicationsVisual designNew activity typeNew type to record the creation of visual artElements v5.5
8/5/17PublicationsReview of my workNew activity typeNew type to record a review of your workElements v5.5
6/16/17Interface Upgrade

The Elements Interface was upgraded to V5.5 in order to take advantage of improvements and new features.

The upgrade includes these improvements:

  • Automatic claiming

    Interface version V5.5 introduced automatic claiming for publications using author identifiers. The system does this by continuously analyzing publication data already captured for author identifiers. 

    Now when users visit their Pending Publications page, they may be presented with a short set of questions which will allow them to confirm whether or not an author identifier is in fact theirs. Once confirmed, Elements will then automatically claim all publications which features that identifier and continue to do so in the future. Conversely, by declaring that an identifier is in fact not theirs (e.g. an identifier associated with an author of the same name), all publications which feature that identifier will be automatically rejected and no longer be offered to the user as a pending publication by Elements.

    You can add/manage your identifiers under Menu/Publications/Automatic claiming.

  • Date of Acceptance is now included in PubMed records where the data is available.

  • Web of Science search settings have been adjusted to limit false positives.
Elements v5.5
6/12/17GrantsAllNew relationship attributes

User-Grant relationships are now named in a more US-centric way (e.g., “Has principal investigator”) and now allow “consultant” relationship

Elements v5.2
6/12/17GrantsAllChange translation of Portal Roles

Elements has now adopted the UGA policy of having only one PI for a Sponsored project; all others are co-investigators, consultants, or senior/key personnel

Elements v5.2
6/12/17PublicationsInstructional materialsNew choice valueAdded "Research guide" to the Instructional materials type fieldElements v5.2
6/21/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreNew choice valueAdded "Team member" to the choice field, "Selection process"Elements v5.2
6/7/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreRenamed choice valueRenamed the choice value of Contributing artist to Contributor/Contributing artist in the Level of role choice fieldElements v5.2
6/7/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreRenamed choice valueRenamed the choice value of Media (e.g., film, CD, DVD, web content) to Media (e.g., film, CD, DVD, print, web content) in the Object choice fieldEAS v1.4.1
6/7/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreNew choice valuesAdded the choices of: Directed (art,design) and Edited/Transcribed to the Action Choice fieldElements v5.2
6/7/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreNew choice valuesAdded the choices of: Plan/Blueprint and Fabric/Textiles to the Object choice fieldElements v5.2
6/1/17PublicationsDance; Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; TheatreNew choice valueAdded the choice of "None" to the field, Selection processElements v5.2
5/5/17Professional ActivitiesEvent administration; Event participation; Educational event; Educational/Outreach presentation; Event judging; Media distributionNew choice valueAdded "Young Dawgs" as a choice for the Event type field used in these activity types: Event administration; Event participation; Educational event; Educational/Outreach presentation, Event judging; and Media distributionElements v5.2
5/5/17Professional ActivitiesEvent administrationNew choice valueAdded new Administrative role value of "Curator" to the choice field Elements v5.2
5/5/17PublicationsSoftware/CodeField name changeChanged the Notes field to Description and move to the essential fields sectionElements v5.2


Custom ReportsNANew Group-level ReportThe team released a new report called the Elements User Report (EUR). This report will provide Deans, Associate Deans and Department Heads with data on Elements usage in their units to help ensure the quality and completeness of the data available to them. Information about this report is located here:Elements v5.2


Custom ReportsNAFix to the Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS)The team applied a fix to the UFRS that will resolve a calculation issue in the number of activities.Elements v5.2
4/7/17User ProfileNAHR FeedThe team released a change in the algorithm that determines how administrators are captured for reporting.Elements v5.2
4/7/17User ProfileNAPosition Title CasingThe team released a fix to correct title casing in position titles (Ex. Librarian Iii, is now III)Elements v5.2
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


1/30/17Teaching ActivitiesCourses TaughtFinal Teaching LoadThe Final Teaching load from the Office of Institutional Research was applied for Fall 2016Elements v5.2
1/5/16PublicationsFine arts activitiesAdded new choice value for Arts objectAdded "Honor ensemble (choral, instrumental)" to the Object field for Fine arts activitiesElements v5.2
1/5/16PublicationsFine arts activitiesRenamed choice value for "Level of role"Changed the "Level of role" choice value of "Featured artist" to "Featured artist/performer/conductor"Elements v5.2
1/5/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Postdoc supervisionNew/revised values for Supervisory role

New: Capstone (Recital, Exhibit, Portfolio) evaluation committee chair; Capstone (Recital, Exhibit, Portfolio) evaluation committee member; Professional/Non-thesis master's committee member

Revised: Undergraduate honors thesis to "Undergraduate thesis"; Professional master's (non-thesis) to "Professional/Non-thesis master's committee chair"

Elements v5.2
12/10/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Postdoc supervisionRenamed choice value for the Supervisory role fieldChanged "Supervised research" to "Supervised research/scholarship/creative works"Elements v5.2
12/9/16Elements Activity Summary (EAS)Slightly revised EAS version upgrade from v1.4EAS v1.4.1 release

Several professional activities are now sorted by more than one value and displayed on the same line: Ex. Regional: Continuing education

If one of these fields is missing a value in your record, you will see undefined next to it on the EAS.

Ex. Regional: Event Type undefined

Add missing data to this field and reprint your EAS to correct

Note: This completes EAS changes for spring 2017 evaluations.

EAS v1.4.1
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


12/6/16Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS)New Pilot Report for Unit HeadsNew report

The UGA Elements Reporting Action Team is piloting a new group report named the Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS) to address the reporting needs of Unit leaders. This report is not comprehensive across all UGA missions as a pilot, but we hope to make improvements based on faculty feedback over the next few months.  If you cannot access your group report following these instructions, please contact UGA Elements

Follow these instructions to run this report for your unit: How to export a Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS)

Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


12/5/16Elements Activity Summary (EAS)New EAS VersionEAS v1.4 release

EAS v1.4 was released and includes these improvements:


  • All activities from the Publication module are now separated into three distinct sections on the EAS report: Publications, Scholarly activities, and Creative works
  • Most publications are sorted by Status (Published,Published online; Accepted, Submitted, and In preparation). If you have not added a status to a publication, it will display in the EAS as: "Status undefined". To change this, add a status to the activity and re-run your EAS to capture this sorting value.
  • The Publications category includes and is now listed in this order (Books, Monographs; Journal articles, Journal articles: Unspecified review/referee status; Chapters, Theses/Dissertations; Reports; Proceedings of Conferences (published); Encyclopedia articles; Catalogs; Abstracts, Book reviews, Popular press; Internet publications; and Working papers)
  • The Scholarly activities category includes:(Patents, Professional/Scholarly Presentations (unpublished); Posters; Software/Code; Datasets. These activities are listed in alpha order
  • The Creative work category includes (Compositions; Dances, Exhibited art; Film/Video/Media; Music; Performance art; and Theatre. These activities are listed in alpha order
  • You can now report on the new arts field: "Number of performances at this venue" for Dance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and Theatre


  • Grants are now sorted by Status (Awarded, Completed, Draft, Not funded, not submitted, Pending sponsor review and University review)

Professional activities

  • Most professional activities are now sorted by Scope. If you have no data in the Scope field, you will see "Scope undefined" on your EAS. You can go back to the activity and add this information and then reprint your EAS to capture this sorting value.


  • New teaching table shows Course name, Delivery mode (lecture, supervised lab, etc); Enrollment; Course credit hours; Course credit hour production; % responsibility; Individual credit hours, Individual credit hour production. You can also report on the three manually-entered fields: Additional course characteristics; Pedagogical highlights; and Average number of contact hours per week.
EAS v1.4
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


12/2/16Interface UpgradeNew Interface VersionNew version 5.2The new v5.2 interface version was loaded recently. This release includes the new MLA (Modern Language Association) database. You can add the search for this database in "My Search Settings" frpm the menu. Information about the new functionality for this version is contained within the instructional pages for the "User Profile" and Home page.Interface v5.2
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


12/1/16Unit Faculty Research SummaryNew Pilot Report for Unit HeadsNew report

The UGA Elements Reporting Action Team is piloting a new group report named the Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS) to address the reporting needs of Unit leaders. This report is not comprehensive across all UGA missions as a pilot, but we hope to make improvements based on faculty feedback over the next few months.  If you cannot access your group report following these instructions, please contact UGA Elements

Follow these instructions to run this report for your unit: How to export a Unit Faculty Research Summary (UFRS)

Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


12/1/16PublicationsDance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and TheatreNew choice valuesAdded new values to these choice lists: “Choreographer” to the field “Level of role” and “Creative research lab” to the field “Selection process”EAS v1.3
11/22/16PublicationsPatentsNew required date/Change name of fieldThe new required date for patent is "Filed date". The Abstract field name was changed to "Non-confidential Disclosure"EAS v1.3
11/22/16PublicationsDance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and TheatreNew choice valueAdded "Performance/Utilization of my creative work" to the field "Action"EAS v1.3
11/22/16PublicationsDance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and TheatreNew choice valueAdded "Composer" to "Level of role"EAS v1.3
11/18/16Teaching ActivitiesCourses taughtNew fieldAdded new manual field to capture "Average number of contact hours per week"EAS v1.3
11/18/16PublicationsDance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and TheatreNew fieldAdded new field to capture "Number of performances at this venue"EAS v1.3
11/15/16PublicationsDance, Exhibited art, Film/Video/Media, Music, Performance art and TheatreReordered the fieldsReordered the fields to optimize easy of entryEAS v1.3
11/15/16PublicationsProfessional/Scholarly presentations, unpublishedNew choice valueAdded "Master class" as a new presentation typeEAS v1.3
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


11/7/16Professional Activities

Reviewing/Refereeing: Manuscripts (other than journal)

New fieldAdded new choice field "Manuscript type" with values of: Book, Chapter, Monograph, Thesis/Dissertation and Other. If you choose other, you can add information to the "Description of "Other Manuscript type" field.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Postdoc supervisionNew fieldFor the Supervisory role choice of "Other", you can now add information in the Description of "Other" Supervisory role field.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Professional Activities
  • Educational event
  • Educational/Outreach presentation
  • Editorship
  • Event administration
  • Event participation
  • Media distribution
  • Professional mentoring (non-student)
New fieldWhere there is the use of fields: Event type, Publication type, Mentee type, Activity type that offers the choice of "Other", you can now capture what "Other" means in the Description of "Other" fields.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent Academic advisingNew typeThis activity is designed to capture degree-related student advising activities.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Professional ActivitiesAdministrative effortNew fieldsAdded new field "Administrative duties" to capture a number of activities performed by faculty with a formal administrative assignment. Removed values from Supervisory role that did not belong in this type. Records using the old choices were moved to appropriate type, as needed.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Professional ActivitiesExtracurricular advising/mentoringNew typeThis new type is designed to capture informal student advising/mentoring such as work with student clubs, chapters, groups, teams, honors, youth, etc.EAS v1.3
10/28/16Teaching ActivitiesTutoringNew typeThis new type is designed to record tutoring activities provided by faculty or academic staff.EAS v1.3
10/28/16PublicationsInstructional materialsNew typeThis activity is designed to capture Instructor's manuals, Laboratory manuals, Training materials, Study guides, etc.EAS v1.3
10/12/16Professional Activities
  • Association/Society/Club memberships
  • Board memberships
  • Committee memberships
Name changes

Changed the names of all membership types so they will be grouped in the interface. We hope that this makes it easier for users to locate them and help prevent inconsistent entry of membership activities.

  • Memberships: Association/Society/Club
  • Memberships: Board
  • Memberships: Committee
EAS v1.3
10/12/16Professional Activities
  • Conference reviewing/refereeing
  • Curriculum reviewing/refereeing
  • Grant reviewing/refereeing
  • Journal reviewing/refereeing
  • Manuscript reviewing/refereeing
Name changes

Changed the names of all of reviewing/refereeing types so they are grouped in the interface. We hope that this makes it easier for users to locate them and help prevent inconsistent entry of reviewing/refereeing activities.

  • Reviewing/Refereeing: Conferences
  • Reviewing/Refereeing: Curricula
  • Reviewing/Refereeing: Grant proposal
  • Reviewing/Refereeing: Journals
  • Reviewing/Refereeing: Manuscripts (other than journal)
EAS v1.3
10/11/16Professional Activities
  • Educational event
  • Educational/Outreach presentation
  • Editorship
  • Event administration
  • Event participation
  • Media distribution
  • Professional mentoring (non-student)
New fieldWhere there is the use of fields: Event type, Publication type, Mentee type, Activity type that offers the choice of "Other", you can now capture what "Other" means in the Description of "Other" fields.EAS v1.3
10/10/16PublicationsPopular pressNew fieldWe are adding a new type for Instructional materials, so record using instructional materials choices will be moved to this type. We have created a new contribution type field that has values for Popular press types only.EAS v1.3
9/26/16Professional ActivitiesOther membershipsRecords moved, Activity type inactivatedRecords from "Other memberships" were moved to either Association/Society, Board or Committee memberships and this type was turned off to inconsistent use of membership types.EAS v1.3
9/19/16PublicationsMultiple typesStatus field/date fieldThe publication date field name was changed to "Publication/Status date". You can now use a status other than published and use this date field which is now mandatory. All statuses will now appear in the EAS report if the status field is populated.EAS v1.3
9/12/16Professional ActivitiesEmployee supervisionRemoved fieldRemoved the field "Consent obtained for name release", "Employee type", and "Publication type". These fields no longer worked with this type after our interface clean-up.EAS v1.3
9/12/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Trainee supervisionName change/New fieldChanged name of this activity to Student/Postdoc supervision; Added field "Description of "Other" Supervisory roleEAS v1.3
9/7/16Professional ActivitiesEditorshipNew values for Publication typeAdded two new values to the choice list for "Publication type" = Popular press and NewsletterEAS v1.3
9/7/16Professional ActivitiesJournal reviewing/refereeringRemoved fieldRemoved the "Publication type" and "Review type" fieldsEAS v1.3
9/7/16Professional ActivitiesCurriculum/Grants/Journal/Manuscript reviewing/refereeingField name changeChanged the field name "Works reviewed/refereed" to "Number of works reviewed/refereed during time frame" EAS v1.3
9/7/16Professional ActivitiesProfessional developmentProfessional development type choice list changeChanged choice value of "Faculty fellowship" to "Fellowship". Added new value of "Training program"EAS v1.3
9/7/16Professional ActivitiesInstitutional reviewName changeChanged the activity name to Institutional/Program reviewEAS v1.3
9/6/16Professional ActivitiesFellowshipMoved records/inactivated the "Fellowships" activity type

Due to inconsistent reporting of Fellowships, 183 records were moved from the Fellowship type to "Professional development" which has a choice field value of "Fellowships".

As of 9/6/16, the standalone activity type "Fellowship" is no longer available in the interface.

EAS v1.3
9/6/16Professional ActivitiesEducational eventAdded value of "Study abroad" to Event typeEducational events uses a field called "Event type". You can now choose "Study abroad" from this choice list to capture your study abroad activitiesEAS v1.3
9/6/16Professional ActivitiesConsulting/AdvisoryName change

Due to inconsistent reporting of consulting and advising activities, we changed the name of Consulting/Advisory to "Consulting". Use this type for paid consulting activities.

In another section, you will see that we have added two new advising types for academic advising and extracurricular advising/mentoring.

EAS v1.3
9/6/16Professional ActivitiesEmployee supervisionMoved affected records/renamed title field to "Employee position"/Removed consent for name release Boolean/Removed fields for "Supervisory role" and "Employee type"

Due to inconsistent reporting of graduate student committee supervision with employee supervision, we have made the following changes to prevent confusion:

Employee supervision: Added instructional text; Removed fields which included values that may seemed like graduate student committee work. Employee supervision is intended for staff supervision activities.

Student/doc supervision: Added instructional text; Removed Advisory role values that caused confusion.

EAS v1.3
9/1/16Professional ActivitiesGrant application assessmentName changeChanged the activity name from Grant application assessment to: "Reviewing/Refereeing: Grant proposal"; Changed field Number of assessments..." to "Number of applications reviewed/refereed"; Removed the fields "Institution" and "Department/Division"; Changed the name of the field "Funding organization" to "Organization" EAS v1.3
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


6/22/16Professional ActivitiesEducational event; Educational/outreach presentation; Event administration; Event judging/assessment; Event participation; and Media distributionNew underlying field choice value="FFA event"Added underlying field value of "FFA" event for CAES youth eventsEAS v1.1
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


6/20/16New User interface/New Home Page formatN/ANew Homepage Navigation

Elements Release Notes

  1. New user interface that includes: Drop-down menu; simplified Home page and system navigation
  2. Improved publication claiming using user search settings to retrieve and disambiguate publication metadata from external data sources;

The most significant change is that as from v5.1, Elements will additionally start analyzing the data harvested from external sources to create new pending and/or claimed links to Elements user accounts if it thinks there is a good match to the search settings associated with a user’s account.

A key explanation for this change in approach is that many of our external data sources now provide author identifiers in their metadata, and so we have enhanced the Elements harvester to automatically find and claim publications for those researchers that include person identifiers in their search settings 

This change will further increase Elements’ ability to automatically link researchers to their works with little to no manual intervention.

Full name, author affiliation and email addresses are now collected from PubMed & Europe PMC. Elements v5.1 will also look for and use other person identifiers contained in data harvested from external data sources, including ORCIDs.

Interface v5.1
Release DateModule/CategoryActivity type, if applicableType of Change


6/7/16PublicationsProceedings of Conferences (published)New fieldAdded new sub-type choice field = "Abstract"; "Extended abstract"; and "Full article"EAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesOther membershipsEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesAssociation/Society membershipsEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesBoard membershipsEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesClinical servicesEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesConference reviewing/refereeingEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesDistinctions/AwardsEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16GrantsOther fundingEAS ReportAdded description fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsReportsNew Choice List ValueAdded new Report type choice value of "White paper"; captured on the EAS reportEAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsPostersEAS ReportAdded "Scope" and "Invited?"EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsBooks, Chapters, Journal Articles & ReportsNew FieldAdded new field for "Reprint?" if publication was reprinted; captured on the EASEAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsBooks, Chapters, Journal Articles & ReportsNew fieldAdded new field for "Translation Language", if publication was translated; captured on the EAS reportEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional activitiesMultipleNew choice valueAdded the audience type of "Volunteer" to Target audienceEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesEducational/Outreach presentationsNew fieldAdded a new "Outreach role" field = "Coordinator"; "Co-presenter"; "Presenter" and "Supporter"; captured on the EAS reportEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesBroadcast interviewsNew fieldAdded "Interviewee name" field; captured on the EAS reportEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesPrint interviewsNew fieldAdded "Interviewee name" field; captured on the EAS reportEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesDistinctions/AwardsNew field

Added "Nominated by" field; captured on the EAS report

Note: Use "Effective date" for this field

EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsBook ReviewNew typeAdded new publication type "Book reviews"EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsEncyclopedia articlesNew type

Added new publication type "Encyclopedia articles"

Note: If you entered these in chapters, you may want to reassign these to this new type

EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsWorking papersNew typeAdded new publication type "Working papers"EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsMonographNew typeAdded new publication type "Monographs"EAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesProfessional/Scholarly presentations, (unpublished)EAS ReportAdded "Keynote/Plenary" fieldsEAS v1.1
6/7/16Teaching activitiesNon-UGA courses taughtNew TypeAdded new Teaching type for "Non-UGA courses taught"EAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesPostersEAS ReportAdded "Scope" and "Invited" fieldsEAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesProceedings of conferences (published)EAS ReportAdded "Invited" and "Keynote/Plenary" fieldsEAS v1.1
6/7/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Trainee supervisionEAS ReportAdded "Description of Other" fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfileAcademic appointments (Non-UGA)EAS Report

Profile section added

EAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfileNon-academic employmentEAS ReportProfile section addedEAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfileCertificationsEAS ReportProfile section addedEAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfileDegreesEAS ReportProfile section addedEAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfilePost-graduate trainingEAS ReportProfile section addedEAS v1.1
6/7/16User ProfileLanguage competenciesEAS ReportProfile section addedEAS v1.1
6/7/16GrantsSPA grantsField Name ChangeChanged Amount to "Amount at UGA"EAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesAdministrative effort/SupervisionActivity Type Name ChangeChange activity type name to "Administrative effort"EAS v1.1
6/7/16GrantsFoundation/Endowment gift/incomeNew TypeAdded new grants activity type to move records from SPA grants as part of our revision plan. These are gift and other (various) income held mostly in foundation accounts and tracked through eResearch Portal in the Office of Research. This revenue is not normally considered sponsored funding.EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsPopular PressEAS ReportAdded text field for "Contribution type="Other"EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsProfessional/Scholarly presentations (unpublished)EAS ReportAdded text field for "Contribution type="Other"EAS v1.1
6/7/16Professional ActivitiesClinical servicesEAS ReportRemoved "Address (Location of Service)EAS v1.1
6/7/16PublicationsProceedings of conferences (published)EAS ReportRemoved "Abstract" fieldEAS v1.1
6/7/16Elements Activity Summary (EAS)Formatted EAS report Header and FooterEAS ReportAdded Last name, first initial to Header and Page number to footerEAS v1.1
6/7/16Elements Activity Summary (EAS)Formatting changes for readabilityEAS ReportMade general changes to formatting to improve readability, particularly among publication typesEAS v1.1
9/1/16Teaching ActivitiesStudent/Trainee supervisionActivity Type Name ChangeChanged the name of this activity type to "Student supervision"EAS v1.1
9/1/16Professional ActivitiesConsulting/AdvisoryActivity Type Name ChangeChanged the name of this activity type to "Consulting".EAS v1.1

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