User Profile: Review and supplement Fields of Research (FoR) labels

User Profile: Review and supplement Fields of Research (FoR) labels

Fields of Research is a disciplinary taxonomy that can be used to label (tag) your Profile so that search engines and users can identify your scholarly focus. Experts@UGA has a Tag Search mode that identifies all Profiles that have a given FoR label. At the launch of Experts@UGA, an initial analysis was performed to pre-populate a set of FoR labels for every Profile possible. (This made use of FoR labels that have been automatically attached to Publications; if your Publications do not have such labels, then your Profile may not have any pre-populated FoR labels.)

To see your current FoR labels and add to or edit them, go to the section of your UGA Elements Profile just below the three narratives [called Fields of Research(2008)]:

Clicking the Edit button brings up a panel on which you can either delete current FoR labels (if they don’t apply to your principal interests; use the X icon) or search for key fragments of text to find labels that better reflect your interests (select label and click Add).

The pre-population of Fields of Research use the 4-digit codes. One strategy is to choose 6-digit sub-codes within a category to describe your research more specifically. If you type the 4-digit code of one of your labels into the Search box, you can choose one of the 6-digit FoR codes in that category for more specificity.

You can find the complete list of 6-digit Fields of Research codes at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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