Activity types not exported to Experts@UGA
Some of the activity types present in UGA Elements are important for creating annual activity reports or other reports (e.g., biographical sketches, current and pending support, CV), but are inappropriate or irrelevant for a public-facing profile. After much consultation, we have made choices of activity types to leave as Internal and not exported to Experts@UGA. The following tables summarize those decisions.
Scholarly & creative works | Public? |
Abstract |
Book | Y |
Book review |
Catalog | Y |
Chapter | Y |
Composition | Y |
Dance | Y |
Dataset | Y |
Design | Y |
Encyclopedia article | Y |
Exhibited art | Y |
FAR export |
Film/Video/Media | Y |
Instructional material | Y |
Internet publication | Y |
Journal article | Y |
Monograph | Y |
Music | Y |
Patent | Y |
Performance art | Y |
Popular press | Y |
Poster |
Preprints | Y |
Proceedings of conference (published) | Y |
Professional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished) | Y |
Recognition/Reproduction of my work | Y |
Report | Y |
Review of my work |
Software/Code | Y |
Theatre | Y |
Thesis/Dissertation | Y |
Visual design | Y |
Working paper |
Sponsored projects | Public? |
Sponsored project award | Y |
Sponsored project proposal |
Other funding | Y |
Foundation/Endowment gift/income |
Instruction | Public? |
Course developed |
Course taught |
Distinct course taught (for Experts@UGA) | Y |
Guest teaching | Y |
Non-UGA course taught | Y |
Program developed | Y |
Student academic advising |
Student/Postdoc supervision |
Tutoring |
Professional activity | Public? |
Administrative effort |
Broadcast interview | Y |
Clinical service | Y |
Congressional testimony | Y |
Consulting |
Distinction/Award | Y |
Editorship | Y |
Educational event | Y |
Educational/Outreach presentation | Y |
Employee supervision |
Event administration | Y |
Event judging |
Event participation |
Expert witness | Y |
External organization/program review | Y |
Extracurricular advising/mentoring |
Gift & fund development |
Graduate assistantship |
Graduate/Professional student advising |
Graduate/Professional student advisory committee |
Legal brief |
Library/Archive/Museum services | Y |
Marketing/Public relations |
Media distribution | Y |
Membership: Association/Society/Club |
Membership: Board | Y |
Membership: Committee |
Print interview | Y |
Professional development |
Professional mentoring (non-student) |
Proficiency/Skill |
Project (e.g., applied research/instructional initiative) | Y |
Promotion/Tenure assessment |
Recruitment |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Conference |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Curriculum |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Grant proposal |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Journal |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Manuscript (other than journal) |
Technical assistance |
Technology commercialization (legacy) |
UGA program/unit review |
Workload summary |
Workload detail |
Technology commercialization | Y |