How do I export a report on current and pending (other) support for my federal agency proposal?

, NIH and USDA have defined templates for submitting information with proposals about existing and pending support. Called variously Current and Pending Support or Other Support forms, users can export these forms as MS Word documents from the CV and Reports menu.

Your Elements data (obtained from the eResearch Portal in Sponsored Projects) will be pre-filled into the form. You will need to fill in some manual fields prior to submission. These are highlighted as red text in the Word document and are described in detail below.

Should you find incorrect data in your report (most likely, proposals marked as "Pending" that have already been rejected), please contact your grants administrator or Sponsored Project Pre-Award to correct the proposal's Status. This will then be reflected in your Elements data.

 Known Issues

Step 1: Go to CV and Reports Menu 

Click on the CV and Reports button from the User Profile or locate it from the Menu.

Step 2: Choose the proper agency template 

Use the radio button next to the report you wish to export and then click "Download as a Word document". 

Step 3: Add missing information

You will need to add this additional information to your grants reports prior to submission. 

Funding AgencyInformation
NSF Current and Pending Support
  • (in Word header) Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted.
    Replace (fill as appropriate) with another agency or delete if no other submission
  • (in Word footer) 1 of (pages)
    Replace (pages) with the total number of pages in report
  • (for each project) Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project.
    Delete (fill as appropriate) and enter a number of months as Cal., Acad., or Sumr
  • Two additional blank panels are provided in case you wish to add information manually that is not available from eResearch Portal. You may delete if unneeded.

NIH Other Support (PHS 398)

  •  (for each project) (Cal / Academic / Summer)
    Replace (enter person months) with number of months, then underline one of
    Cal / Academic / Summer
  •  (for each project) The major goals of this project are
     Replace (replace) with a brief (<2-sentence) narrative of the project goals
  • (below all projects) OVERLAP
    Replace (replace) with either "There is no overlap between any of these projects and the current proposal" or describe what overlap there is.
  • (in Word footer) Page (replace)
    Use Word Insert Page Numbers … to number the pages of the report
USDA Current & Pending Support
  • (for each project) PERCENT OF TIME COMMITTED
  • Replace (replace) with % time committed (e.g., 2.4 person-months (calendar) = 20% time committed)