I did this.....where does it go?

I did this.....where does it go?

Trying to decide how to categorize activities can be challenging. This is a list of everything we can think of to assist you in classifying activities. If you are still uncertain about where an activity should go, contact your unit's Administrative Liaison.

  • You can view the items by module (Professional Activities (PA); Publications (PUB);Teaching Activities (TA); (Grants) and (Profile), OR
  • You can do a keyword search using the Ctrl F on your keyboard to search the entire page


I hold/held academic appointments at Non-UGA, institutions that I would like to add to ElementsProfileAcademic appointmentsOpen your User profile in edit mode to add Non-UGA appointments
I am/was employed in a non-academic position and would like to add to ElementsProfileNon-academic employmentOpen your User profile in edit mode to add Non-academic appointments
I have received a certification and would like to add to ElementsProfileCertificationsOpen your User profile in edit mode to add certifications
I am fluent in another language and would like to capture in ElementsProfileLanguage competenciesOpen your User Profile in edit mode to add Language competencies
I would like to add my web address or link my social media accounts to ElementsProfileWeb addressesOpen your User Profile in edit mode to add Web addresses; you can add multiple addresses; use the Type dropdown
My activityModuleActivity TypeField choices

I developed in-house procedures and departmental policiesPAAdministrative effortChoose Administrative role = Associate administrator (e.g., head, dean, director, chair)"; Choose Administrative duties = Policy/Procedure revisions
I administer certificate programsPAAdministrative effortChoose Administrative role = Coordinator; Choose Administrative duty = Program management
I conducted a unit program review as the Associate Dean for my collegePAAdministrative effortChoose Administrative role = Associate administrator (e.g., head, dean, director, chair); Choose Administrative duties = Program review
I provided extensive information and data for the re-accreditation report for a schoolPAAdministrative effortAdd Administrative role; Administrative duty = External accreditation
I served on a professional or editorial boardPABoard membershipAdd Board name; Office held = Member; Add Organization, Scope and Dates
I was interviewed on WUGA-TV news programPABroadcast interviewsAdd Program = WUGA-TV News; fill Topic and Interviewer name; Interviewee name
I conducted an video interview and posted it to YouTubePABroadcast interviewAdd a topic; Interviewer name; First broadcast date
I provided clinical services to clients in the Veterinary Teaching hospitalPAClinical serviceAdd Name of Service; Description of service; Type of service and Level of service
I provided clinical services in the microscope lab over several weeksPAClinical serviceType of service = Laboratory and diagnostic services. Add Number of hours and Number of cases/patients
I provided clinical services in the UGA Health CenterPAClincal serviceAdd Name of Service; Description of service; Type of service and Level of service
I testified at a session of Congress on my researchPACongressional testimonyAdd a Summoning authority; Location/Jurisdiction; Start date; End date and Scope
I consulted on my area of expertise for a government agency or businessPAConsultingAdd Organization type (possibly Client type); Add fees received
I was named to 40 by 40 list of future leadersPADistinction/AwardChoose Distinction/Award name = 40 by 40; Distinction type = Leadership
I was awarded a Distinguished Research Professor titlePADistinction/AwardChoose Distinction/Award type = Scholarship/Research; Scope = University
My program received recognition from its accrediting bodyPADistinction/AwardChoose Distinction/Award type = Teaching
I received a Guggenheim Fellowship for visit to BulgariaPADistinction/AwardDistinction/Award name = Guggenheim Fellowship; Distinction/Award type = Fellowship
I received a Fulbright FellowshipPADistinction/AwardDistinction/Award name = Fulbright Fellowship; Distinction/Award type = Fellowship
I won a distinguished fellowshipPADistinction/AwardChoose Distinction type = Fellowship; choose appropriate Scope
I edited a popular press articlePAEditorshipChoose publication type = Popular press 
I edited an abstractPAEditorshipChoose publication type = Abstract
I edited a popular press piecePAEditorshipChoose publication type = Popular press
I edited a newsletterPAEditorshipChoose publication type = Newsletter
I participated in a Young Dawgs eventPAEducational eventChoose Event type = Young Dawgs
I participated in a Study abroad programPAEducational eventChoose Event type = Study abroad 
I participated in a community-based educational programPAEducational eventChoose Event type; Add specific details to the Description field
I served as a facilitator at an outreach eventPAEducational eventAdd Facilitator to the Description field
I coordinated a field trip for a group of studentsPAEducational eventChoose Event type = Field trip; If related to course, create link
I gave a public (guest) lecture on my research, scholarship, or outreach activity (not related to a course)PAEducational/Outreach presentationAdd an Event type and Target audience
I spoke at orientation session for new UGA freshmenPAEducational/Outreach presentationsAdd a Presentation title; Choose Event type = Guest lecture
I presented at a community-based educational programPAEducational/Outreach presentationChoose Event type; Add your outreach role = Presenter
I supervise faculty and staff in a county extension officePAEmployee supervisionAdd Employee name; Employee position, and Start date
I supervise faculty and staff in my departmentPAEmployee supervisionAdd Employee name; Employee position, and Start date
I ran a 4-H club meetingPAEvent administrationAdd title; Activity start date; Choose Event type = 4-H; Choose Administrative role = Event administrator
I served as curator for a history exhibitPAEvent administrationAdd title; Activity start date; Choose Event type = Exhibit; Choose Administrative role = Curator
I/We hosted a public exhibitionPAEvent administrationAdd title; Activity start date; Choose Event type = Exhibition;
I served as session chair at a conferencePAEvent administrationChoose Administrative role = Session/Panel chair) pick Event type, Target audience
I direct the work of a 4-H specialty clubPAEvent administrationAdd title; Choose Event type = 4H; Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Event administrator or Co-administrator
I facilitated an educational eventPAEvent administrationAdd title; Event type; Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Facilitator
I organized an in-service eventPAEvent administrationAdd title; Event type = In-service; Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Event administrator
I chaired an FFA youth eventPAEvent administrationChoose Event type = FFA; Choose Adminstrative role = Event administrator or Session/Panel chair
I served as a Panel chair on an advisory panelPAEvent administrationAdd title; Event type; Choose Administrative role = Session/Panel chair
I helped establish an agreement with an international partnerPAEvent administrationAdd title; Event type; Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Subject matter expert
I served as a subject matter expert for an educational event or endeavorPAEvent administrationAdd title; Event type; Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Subject matter expert; Use the Event description field to add detailed information on the activity
I organized a professional conference in my area of expertisePAEvent administrationAdd title; Choose Event type = Conference; Event start date; Choose Administrative role = "Event administrator" or Co-administrator; Target audience = Faculty/Staff (for example)
I served as a tour coordinator for an educational eventPAEvent administrationAdd title, Event type, Activity start date; Choose Administrative role = Tour coordinator
I facilitated a meeting/project for a government agencyPAEvent administrationChoose Administrative role = Facilitator
I chaired a student poster judging competition at a local symposiumPAEvent judgingChoose Event type = Symposium; Administrative role = Poster judge; Scope = Local; Target audience = College students
I participated in a judging event at a local high schoolPAEvent judgingAdd Name of the event; Event type = Youth competition;
I was a judge at a science fairPAEvent judgingChoose Event type = Science fair
I was an exhibitor at an expoPAEvent participationAdd Name of meeting/event; Event start date; Choose Event type = Exposition
I participated in an in-service eventPAEvent participationAdd Name of meeting/event; Event start date; Choose Event type = In-service; Add detailed information to the Description field
I participated in a 4-H campPAEvent participationAdd Name of meeting/event; Event start date; Choose Event type = 4-H
I attended a Board of Regents meeting as a non-memberPAEvent participationAdd Board of Regents meeting to Name of meeting/event; Event start date; Choose Event type = Board meeting
I attended a research conference in my areaPAEvent participationEvent type = Conference; Enter Scope
I participated in a community service activity (river cleanup, Habitat for Humanity)PAEvent participationAdd a title of activity to Name of meeting/event; Event start date; Choose Event type = Public service
I gave expert testimony at a Food & Drug Administration hearingPAExpert witnessCase = FDA hearing topic; Location/Jurisdiction = Food & Drug Administration
I serve as a faculty advisor for a student clubPAExtracurricular advising/mentoringChoose Advisor role = Club adviser; Choose Advisee type and add a Start date
I provide informal mentoring to students (Ex. reviewing papers; discussing research ideas, preparing for interviews, writing letters of recommendation)PAExtracurricular advising/mentoringChoose Advise role = Informal mentor; Choose Advisee type = University students; Use the Description of activity field to record more detailed information about the activity
I am a coach for a student teamPAExtracurricular advising/mentoringChoose Advisor role = Coach; Choose Advisee type = Student club/chapter/group/team and add a Start date
I provided informal mentoring/advising to a faculty memberPAExtracurricular advising/mentoringChoose Advisor role = Informal mentor or Informal research advisor; Choose Advisee type=Educator
I serve as a career advisor in my school/collegePAExtracurricular advising/mentoringChoose Advisor role = Career advisor; Choose Advisee type and Start date
I organized a fundraising activity for a UGA unitPAGift & fund developmentAdd Activity, Organization and start date
I organized/participated in a donor relations event to obtain funding for a historic collectionPAGift & fund developmentAdd Activity, Organization and start date
I conducted an institution or program reviewPAInstitution/Program reviewAdd Institution/Program and Department reviewed, as applicable, Description of activity, and Start date
I participated in drafting or arguing an appellate legal briefPALegal briefType of brief = Ex. amicus curiae; writ of certiorari; Case citation = Bluebook format including party names
I provided professional services as part of my work in UGA libraries and Georgia MuseumPALibrary/Archive/Museum servicesChoose a Type of service, Add % effort on service, Start date, Scope, and Location
I participated in an event to promote a product or servicePAMarketing/public relationsName the Work being marketed; Choose a role;Target audience; Start date; End date; and Scope
I distributed educational brochures/newsletters/digital media/software or apps for prospective clientsPAMedia distributionChoose Event type; Choose Media type and add a Start date
I served as President of a professional society/association/clubPAMembership: Association/Society/ClubChoose Role = President; enter Association/Society/Club name
I am a member of a professional society/association/clubPAMembership: Association/Society/ClubChoose Role = Member; enter Association/Society name, address
I serve on a non-profit organization's board of directors PAMembership: BoardChoose Office held = Board member; Scope = National (for example)
I chaired a committee/task force/working group at UGAPAMembership: CommitteeFill in Committee name; Organization = UGA; Role = Chair; Scope = University
I served on a search committee for a faculty search in my departmentPAMembership: CommitteeCommittee name = Search committee; Organization = Department, UGA; Role = Member; Scope = Department
I chaired a committee for an organizationPAMembership: CommitteeAdd Committee name; Add Organization, Add Role = Chair; and add Scope
I reviewed student applicants for a Goldwater scholarshipPAMembership: CommitteeFill in the Committee name, Start/End dates, Add Scope=University
I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter about a research topicPAPrint interviewFill in topic; Interviewee name
I attended a Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial/Continuing Ed program/Conference/Fellowship/Internship/Self-study program as part of my professional developmentPAProfessional developmentAdd title; Choose Activity type; Add Sponsor
I hosted and mentored a visiting faculty member from another institutionPAProfessional mentoring (non-student)Enter mentee name; Mentee type = Faculty
I acted as a formal mentor to a faculty memberPAProfessional mentoring (non-student)Choose Mentee type = Faculty; Scope = Department (for example)
I conducted intensive field work on a research vessel with studentsPAProject (e.g., applied research/instructional initiative)

Add the name of the activity under Project name; Use the Description field for details; Add start date and end date, if completed

I led an applied research projectPAProject ( e.g., applied research/instructional initiative)Choose Target audience
I led an applied instructional initiativePAProject ( e.g., applied research/instructional initiative)Choose Target audience
I serve on a Promotion/Tenure committee/or submit letters for P&T for UGA faculty or beyondPAPromotion/Tenure assessmentAdd the Institution; Department/Division; Description of review duties; Start/End dates and Scope. You can also document the Number of assessments and Annual time commitment (hrs)
I went on a recruiting trip for prospective graduate studentsPARecruitmentAdd Event title; Recruitment type = Students
I participated in a faculty recruitment eventPARecruitmentAdd Event title; Recruitment type = Faculty
I reviewed submissions for presentations at a conferencePAReviewing/Refereeing: ConferenceChoose Review type = Anonymous peer review (probably)
I reviewed/evaluated curriculumPAReviewing/Refereeing: CurriculumAdd title, start date
I reviewed articles for a professional journalPAReviewing/Refereeing: JournalEnter Journal; choose Review type; Scope = (scope of journal)
I reviewed books/manuscripts for a publisherPAReviewing/Refereeing: Manuscript (other than journals)Enter Publisher/Institution; Select a review type = Anonymous peer review, Open peer review or Post-publication review
I served on a grant review panel or study section for NSF/NIHPAReviewing/Refereeing: Grant proposalsEnter Funding organization; Assessment type = Summative; Scope = National
I visited a field station/farm to provide technical assistancePATechnical assistanceChoose Client type
I performed an economic impact analysis for OVPPSOPATechnical assistanceChoose Client type = University administration
I provided technical assistance for a public service grantPATechnical assistanceChoose client type

I designed an a digital catalog on music historyPUBCatalogChoose Action = Designed; Object = Media (e.g., film, CD, DVD, web content); Level of ole = Principal
I directed a dancePUBDanceChoose Action = Direct (dance); Object = Dance choreography; Level of role = Principal
I choreographed a series of dances for a local performance groupPUBDanceChoose Action = Choreograph; Object = Production/Performance; Level of role = Principal
I designed my costume for a dance performancePUBDanceChoose Action = Designed; Object = Costumes; Choose Level of role and Selection process
I designed the cover for a journalPUBDesignAdd the title of the Journal in the Title field;
I participated in a gallery exhibition of my artworkPUBExhibited artChoose Action = Create; Object = Visual art; Level of role = Featured artist
I participated in an exhibition of my work on historic preservationPUBExhibited artChoose Action = Create; Object = Visual art; Level of role = Featured artist
I designed an instructional film/video/media for a leadership conferencePUBFilm/Video/MediaAdd the Title of Work; Contributors; Action = Designed; Object = Media; Level of role = Featured artist; Choose Selection process; Scope; Start date; End date
I played as a member of an orchestraPUBMusicChoose Action = Performed; Object =Orchestra or other major ensemble; Choose a "Level of role" and the Selection process
I conducted an orchestraPUBMusic

Choose Action = Conducted; Choose Object = Orchestra or other major ensemble; Choose a Level of role and the Selection process

I composed a musical scorePUBMusicChoose Action = Composed; Object = Musical score; Choose Level of role and Selection process
I performed a solo recitalPUBMusicChoose Action = Performed; Object = Solo recital; Level of role = Solo performer/artist and choose a value in the Selection process
I composed a musical work to be performed by a chamber orchestraPUBMusicChoose Action = Compose; Object = Chamber recital; Level of role = Principal
I performed in an Honor ensemble (choral, instrumental)PUBMusicChoose Object = Honor ensemble (choral, instrumental)
My design work was reproduced in another publicationPUBRecognition/Reproduction of my workAdd Title of Publication containing recognition/reproduction; Add title of Work(s) being recognized/reproduced; Add Authors; Date of recognition/reproduction, and Scope
Someone reviewed a piece of my workPUBReview of my workAdd Title of review; Authors of the review; Date of the review; and Scope
I designed a journal cover as part of my design workPUBVisual designChoose Action = Designed; Object = Visual art; Level of role; Selection process
I directed a filmPUBTheatreChoose Action = Direct (stage); Object = Production/Performance; Level of role = Principal
I was stage manager for a theatrical productionPUBTheatreChoose Action = Stage/Production manage; Object = Production/Performance; Level of role = Principal
I built the set for a theatrical productionPUBTheatreChoose Action = Built; Object = Set; Choose Level of role and Selection process
I engineered the sound for a theatrical performancePUBTheatre

Choose Action = Engineered; Object = Sound; Choose Level of role and Selection process


I wrote an abstract of a Humanities workPUBAbstractAdd a Subtype, Title and Publication/Status date
I am editor of a book with chapters/articles by other authorsPUBBookChoose Relationship = Editor of
I wrote a book reviewPUBBook reviewAdd Title of the review; Authors; Publication/Status date/ Book title
I wrote a chapter for an edited collection in a bookPUBChapterEnter Book Title, Editors
I wrote a chapter in a handbookPUBChapterEnter Title, Authors, Status and Publication/Status date
I wrote an article for the Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry.PUBEncyclopedia articleAdd the Title of the article and the Title of the Encyclopedia
I developed lab manuals, instructor's manuals, course materials, study guides or training materialsPUBInstructional materialsAdd the Title; Authors; Status; Publication/Status date and Instructional materials type
I designed Lib guides/Online materials as a librarian/archivistPUBInstructional materialsAdd the Title; Authors; Status; Publication/Status date; and use Instructional materials type= "Research guide"
I designed/developed a websitePUBInternet publicationUse the Medium text field to record "Website"; Add detail in the Notes field
I write a professional blogPUBInternet publicationUse the Medium text field to record "Blog"
I produced a YouTube video (or other media such as a mobile app) in my area of expertisePUBInternet publicationUse the Medium text field to record "Video or Mobile App"
I submitted a journal articlePUBJournal articleSub type = Article; Status = Submitted
I edited a journal articlePUBJournal articleChoose Relationship = Editor of
I wrote a tribute (ex. Festschrift)PUBJournal articleChoose Editorial Comment as a sub-type

I wrote a review of pitcher plants; I reproduced the works of a single artist, I argued standards for the safety of an over-the-counter medication.

PUBMonographSpecify at least the title and author
I wrote an abstract that was published the proceedings of a conference.PUBProceedings of Conference (published)Choose Sub type = Abstract
I wrote an extension report or extension numbered bulletinPUBReportChoose Report type = Extension bulletin
I wrote an Op-Ed for a NewspaperPUBPopular PressAdd Op-Ed in the description field; Choose Contribution type choice = Newspaper
I wrote a White paper for a company to promote the features of a solution, product or servicePUBReportChoose Report type = White paper
I wrote a White paper in support of policymaking by a governmental agencyPUBReportChoose Report type = Consulting/Advisory report; put agency in Address field
I submitted a technical report to this state agencyPUBReportStatus = Submitted or Accepted

I drafted a discussion paper to solicit feedback from colleagues

PUBWorking paperSpecify at least the title and creation date

I created a data set for an online repository/databasePUBDatasetAdd the Title; Authors; and Publication date
I submitted a patentPUBPatentsAdd the Title; Authors and Filed date, Expiry or Award date
I presented a poster at a meeting or conferencePUBPosterRelationship = Author of; Include Scope and if Invited?
I taught a Master class in the artsPUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished)Choose Presentation type = Master class
I developed and participated in a workshop during a summer specialty coursePUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished)Choose Presentation type = Workshop
I gave an invited presentation on my research/scholarship at a meetingPUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished)Presentation type = Conference, Symposium, Workshop; pick Event type, Event name; Check the Invited? box
I gave an invited research seminar at another institutionPUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished)Presentation type = Seminar; pick Event type, Event name; Check the Invited? box
I gave a TED talk related to my researchPUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished)Title of activity= TED Talk; Presentation type = Conference; Event type = Non-academic
I have a working paper that is associated with a scholarly presentation and would like to link them.PUBProfessional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished) + Working paperAdd an entry to both the Professional/Scholarly presentation(unpublished) and the Working paper types; Then link the two activities using the links functionality.
I published a large number of short code fragments or one substantial piece of codePUBSoftware/CodeAdd the Title; Authors, Publisher; Status and Publication/Status date; Use the Description field
I developed software for a research projectPUBSoftware/CodeAdd the Title; Authors, Publisher; Status and Publication/Status date; Use the Description field

I submitted an application to the UGA Office of Research Faculty Research Grants programGrantOther fundingPick relationship; enter Title; Funder name = UGARF FRG; Funder type = US university; Funding type = Research
I received grant funding (not captured in the eResearch Portal)GrantOther fundingFill in Funder name, Funder type, Funding type, Status

I developed a course or curriculaTACourse developedAdd Course title; Institution; Course level and Start of development; Completion of development
I gave one or more guest lectures in a formal course for a colleagueTAGuest teachingAdd Course title; Type of involvement; Date of (first) involvement and Date of last involvement. 

I taught a formal course during my visiting faculty appointment at Oxford

TANon-UGA courses taughtEnter course title; co-instructors (including you); date, and institution

I taught a number of courses at my previous institution

TANon-UGA Courses taughtEnter Course title, co-instructors (including you), date, and institution/organization
I developed curriculum for a courseTAProgram developedChoose Degree level (Non-degree also available)
I advise students on courses and degree requirements in my school/collegeTAStudent academic advisingChoose the Advisee type; Department/School/College; and Start date. You can also record the Number of advisees and the Number of hours per year.
I provided formal graduate student professional developmentTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Formal graduate student professional development
I served on/chaired a doctoral advisory committeeTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role= Doctoral advisory committee member or Doctoral advisory committee chair

I supervised the research of a student or postdoc

TAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Supervised research/scholarship/creative works; Choose Level of student
I supervised the creative works of a student or postdocTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Supervised research/scholarship/creative works; Choose Level of student
I supervised the scholarship of a student or postdocTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Supervised research/scholarship/creative works; Choose Level of student
I supervised teaching activities of a student or postdocTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Supervised teaching activity; Choose Level of student
I advised students participating in an internshipTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Internship advisor
I supervise research assistantsTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Supervised research/scholarship/creative works
I chaired/participated in the work of a Master's thesis committeeTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Master's thesis committee chair or Master's thesis committee member
I served on an undergraduate thesis committee for a studentTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Undergraduate thesis
I led a formal graduate professional development activity in my school/collegeTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Formal graduate student professional development
I mentored students participating in CURO and SURPTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Other; Add CURO or SURP to the Description of Other Supervisory role. Alternatively, you can choose Supervised research/scholarship/creative works or Supervised teaching activity, as appropriate
I served on a Professional/Non-thesis master's committee as a chair or memberTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisor role = Either Professional/Non-thesis master's committee chair or Professional/Non-thesis master's committee member
I served as Capstone (Recital, Exhibit, Portfolio) evaluation committee chair or a memberTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Either Capstone (Recital, Exhibit, Portfolio) evaluation committee chair or Capstone (Recital, Exhibit, Portfolio) evaluation committee member
I mentored graduate students (provided feedback, assisted with professional development opportunities) though I did not serve on their committee in an official capacityTAStudent/Postdoc supervisionChoose Supervisory role = Other; Then describe this as Informal mentor or similar
I provide tutoring services to my studentsTATutoringAdd a Title; Choose the Tutoring level (student level) and start date. You can also record the Number of students tutored per year and the Number of hours per year.

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