Activity types defined
Julie Noelke (Unlicensed)
Charlotte Surratt
Stephanie Lynn
Allan A (Unlicensed)
This is a guide to help you determine what fits in each category of each activity type. The activity types below are meant to capture all activities relevant to UGA faculty members. Requests for new activity types should be made through your unit's Administrative Liaison.
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Publication/Scholarly Work Type | Examples of items that fit this category |
Abstract | Published summary of a talk, poster, or other contribution, usually at a meeting |
Book | Published book (relationship = author of, editor of, contributor to, translator of) |
Book review | Published review of a book written by another author |
Catalog | Collection of exhibited works |
Chapter | Contribution in a book or collection |
Composition | Published musical compositions |
Dance | Artistic contributions in the area of dance (e.g., performance, choreography) |
Dataset | Published datasets |
Design | Artistic contributions in the area of design (e.g., print, fashion, landscape architecture, interior, planning) |
Encyclopedia article | Entry written for inclusion in an encyclopedia |
Exhibited art | Artistic contributions in the area of exhibited art (e.g., painting, sculpture, other media) |
FAR export | Clearinghouse for FAR pubs that defied classification (user should redefine type)-these activities should be moved to other types. This is only a temporary holding place. |
Film/Video/Media | Artistic contributions in the area of film, video, or other media |
Instructional material | Development of Lab manuals, Instructor's manuals, Study guides, and Training materials |
Internet publication | Published work online that does not fall under other publication categories such as journals |
Journal article | Published work in a periodical |
Monograph | A non-serial, specialist work of writing on a single subject typically written by one author. Monographs are often presented at great length which distinguishes them from journal articles. In biological taxonomy, a monograph is a comprehensive treatment of a taxon. Art monographs consist of reproductions of works of art by a single artist. Drug monographs consists of standards that describe a finished drug, drug ingredient, or food chemical. |
Music | Artistic contributions in the area of music (e.g., performance, direction, composition) |
Patents | Published patents from database searches (UGA IP in Technology Commercialization) |
Performance art | Artistic contributions in the area of performance art (e.g., in gallery) |
Popular press | Published work in newspaper, magazine, newsletter, or other non-academic or non-scholarly medium |
Poster | Poster presented at scholarly/professional meeting/conference |
Proceedings of conference (published) | Published proceedings of a conference presentation |
Professional/Scholarly presentation (unpublished) | Presenter at a seminar or conference on research or scholarly work |
Recognition/Reproduction of my work | Published recognition or reproduction of original work |
Report | Published reports, scholarly, research, or technical |
Review of my work | Published review of original work |
Software/Code | Published programs/apps (research, teaching, scholarship) |
Theatre | Artistic contributions in the area of theatre (e.g., production, direction, performance) |
Thesis/Dissertation | Authored thesis or dissertation |
Visual design | Creation of design work |
Working paper | A preliminary scientific paper to share ideas about a topic that may be cited as peer-reviewed |
Teaching Activities
Teaching Activity Type | Examples of items that fit this category |
Course developed | Development of substantial materials for use as course content |
Course taught | Formal courses taught at UGA (from Athena); additional fields to enter Additional course characteristics and Pedagogical highlights. |
Non-UGA course taught | Formal course taught elsewhere, either prior to or during UGA employment |
Guest teaching | Participation in a course, whether at UGA or not. (If not part of a formal course, use the Professional Activity Educational/Outreach presentations). Types of involvement include: (critic, curator, lecturer, observer, panelist, reviewer, speaker, workshop leader) |
Program developed | Develop major portions of an entire program |
Student academic advising | Advising students toward degree objectives, course selection, and program of study |
Student/Postdoc supervision | Supervision of graduate students and trainees participating in thesis and doctoral committees, engaged in formal supervised research, scholarship, creative and teaching activities, or participating in an internship |
Tutoring | Tutoring pre-collegiate to professional students |
Grant Activity Type | Examples of items that fit this category |
Sponsored project | Sponsored activities through the Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) (from authoritative source) |
Other funding | Additional sponsored activities not managed by Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) |
Foundation/Endowment gift/income | Gift and other (various) income held mostly in foundation accounts and tracked through eResearch Portal in Office of Research. This revenue is not normally considered sponsored funding. |
Professional Activities
Professional Activity Type | Examples of items that fit this category |
Administrative effort | Serve as an administrator with a formal administrative assignment (Heads, Deans, Directors, Chairs, Clinical administrators, Co-administrators and Coordinators) |
Broadcast interview | Participate as an interviewee or interviewer for TV, online content, etc. |
Clinical service | Provide clinical services in various settings, such as health center, veterinary clinic, pharmaceutical consultation, psychology clinic |
Congressional testimony | Testify at congressional hearing, panel, etc. |
Consulting | Provide advisory or consulting services to outside group/agency/government/company |
Distinctions/Award | Recipient of an award, honor, title at various levels of recognition |
Editorship | Service as editor of journal, book series, popular press over an extended period |
Educational event | Serve as a leader or participant in a non-coursework related educational event |
Educational/Outreach presentation | Conduct a presentation/lecture as outreach/public service to schools, governments, civic groups, etc. (For guest lectures in formal courses, use the Teaching Activity "Guest teaching") |
Employee supervision | Supervise non-student employees (staff) as part of professional duties |
Event administration | Participate as an event organizer, coordinator, chair, committee member |
Event judging | Participate as a judge or referee for event |
Event participation | Participate in an event, without taking administrative role |
Expert witness | Provide expert testimony at trial, agency review, etc. |
Extracurricular advising/mentoring | Participate in Career/Club advising, Coaching, Informal mentoring or Informal research advising, etc. |
Gift & fund development | Participate in donor fundraising activity |
Institution/Program review | Participate in assessment, review, accreditation of a department, program, or an entire institution |
Legal brief | Participate in drafting or arguing an appellate legal brief |
Library/Archive/Museum services | Participate in a number of service activities as faculty in UGA Libraries and the Georgia Museum of Art |
Marketing/Public relations | Design/create materials for marketing and/or PR |
Membership: Association/Society/Club | Membership in a professional association, society, group, or club |
Membership: Board | Membership on a board (advisory, executive, etc.) |
Membership: Committee | Membership on a committee at multiple levels (department to international) |
Media distribution | Disseminate materials regarding programs, initiatives, services, etc. |
Print interview | Participate as an interviewee or interviewer for a magazine, newspaper, journal, etc. |
Professional development | Participate in activity for the purpose of your own professional development. Ex of Activity types: Conference; Continuing Ed Program; Educational/Professional leave; Fellowship; Internship; Self-study program; Seminar; Tutorial; Workshop; Other |
Professional mentoring (non-student) | Mentor non-student professional (e.g., new faculty on sabbatical with you, business colleague) |
Project (e.g., applied research/instructional initiatives) | Provide professional effort toward a specific project |
Promotion/tenure assessment | Conduct a review and assessment of faculty for promotion/tenure at UGA or elsewhere |
Recruitment | Participate in recruiting at various levels (volunteers, students, faculty, staff, etc.) |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Conference | Serve as a reviewer or referee for a conference or conference prospectus |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Curriculum | Serve as a reviewer or referee for a curriculum or curriculum proposal |
Reviewing/refereeing: Grant | Participate on review panel, study section, advisory group to evaluate grant proposals |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Journal | Act as reviewer/referee of submissions to a journal/periodical |
Reviewing/Refereeing: Manuscript (other than journal) | Act as reviewer/referee of manuscripts (other than journals) (e.g., for a scholarly press) |
Technical assistance | Provide expert assistance to clients (e.g., through extension, outreach) |
Technology commercialization (ON HOLD) | Work with UGA Innovation Gateway on development of intellectual property (e.g., licensing, patents, etc.) |
Workload summary | Effort (in EFT) in various areas (instruction, research, etc.) assigned to various units for each FY (from authoritative source) |
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